KURRUPTKIDZ($)… K.U.R.R.U.P.T meaning Knowledgable Under Rated Rebel Under Problematic Times. We represent and remind the youth to be free and believe in themselves through self-empowerment through fashion, art, and expression. Thus giving a bridge to all individuals to build awareness that we can be kurrupt, in a good way of course

Originating out of Brooklyn, we are inspired by the elements of hip-hop. kurruptkidz has incorporated a hip-hop/skateboard attire. With pop colors and bold statements like our B TRU, Koncreate R.O.S.E , and Ka$h Rules shirts, giving unique styles that are close to styles today but still out of the norm giving a one of a kind vibe and of course,  we must remind you we sound dope as fuck.

We are growing not to say the least and every contribution to this brand, this lifestyle is appreciated and in return, we hope we can make you guys believers stay tuned stay Kurrupt.

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